by Audrey M. Roy Greenfeld | Thu, Feb 13, 2025
I thought I had completely lost my new iteration on my notebook titler tool, but it turns out I'm finding bits and pieces in various places. Here I try to put it together again.
#| default_exp unun
#| export from datetime import datetime import google.generativeai as genai import IPython import json from nbdev.export import nb_export from pathlib import Path import typer from typing_extensions import Annotated
To get better at posting every day, I'm time-boxing from now until 10am. I'm picking up where I left off yesterday at the bottom of My Self-Analysis of How to Get Back to Posting Every Day
I would like the time box to include posting to social media, which means I need to finish writing the actual post by 9:40am to give me 20 minutes of social media time. I'm a bit slow at social media, especially because I like to listen to what others are saying at least a little before I post.
2025-02-10-How-I-Built-an-Ununtitle-CLI-Tool-With-Typer.ipynb is gone, but I found its lost exported script and brought it back over into this notebook.
#| export def title_it(nb, nbpath): date = datetime.fromtimestamp(Path(nbpath).stat().st_mtime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-1.5-flash-latest') prompt = f"""Given this Jupyter notebook, create a filename-title pair following these steps: 1. Prefix the filename with `{date}-` but not the title. 2. Think about what would be most compelling about the given notebook if it were published as a blog post. 3. Create a list of 20 compelling titles for it. 4. Pick the top title from the list of 20 titles. 5. Convert it to the format: {date}-Words-In-Title-Case-With-Hyphens.ipynb 6. Remove any special characters (like commas) 7. If the title and/or filename sound repetitive, simplify them <notebook>{nb}</notebook> Return ONLY json like {{"title": "my_title", "filename": "{date}-my_filename.ipynb"}}, nothing else. Do not add a fenced code block. Just the JSON, please.""" response = model.generate_content(prompt, safety_settings=[], request_options = {"timeout": 1000}) try: return response.text except Exception as ex: raise ex
I started to modify this part but realized I don't have time to finish it because I don't know Typer well enough.
def main( prompt: Annotated[bool, typer.Option(help="Confirm each file before renaming.")] = True, ): """ Rename Untitled notebooks with meaningful names based on their content. If --dry-run is used, show what would be renamed without actually doing it. """ for p in Path('.').glob('Untitled*.ipynb'): with open(p) as f: nb = cleaned = title_it(nb, p).replace('```json', '').replace('```', '').strip() new_names = json.loads(cleaned) if prompt: response = typer.confirm(f"Rename {p} to {new_names['filename']}") if not response: break if not dry_run: p.rename(new_names['filename']) print(f"Renamed {p} to {new_names['filename']}")
OK, this definitely doesn't do anything correctly, but I'm publishing it because I'm out of time. It's so embarrassing to publish broken code like this! I mean, I'm not even using the dry_run variable anymore, and there is a way to prompt her input with a default value that's editable probably, but I don't have time to look that up. Oh well.
#| export if __name__ == "__main__":
nb_export("2025-02-13-Excavating-a-Lost-CLI-Tool.ipynb", lib_path="../scripts")
Oh no, I definitely went over time:
* Copy over the cells with nbdev directives * Remove dry_run completely * When prompting a user, provide the generated file name as the start of the filename prompt value for them to tap backspace and edit.