by Audrey M. Roy Greenfeld | Fri, Jan 24, 2025
Here I use the Python Imaging Library to create and display an image in-notebook, so that it's rendered as part of the blog post on
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
I read that 16:9 images are good for social media. Is that really true? I prompted a few LLMs with:
What is the optimal blog post image size in pixels so it looks good on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Bluesky when posted there?
That's quite a lot of variation! I think I'll go with:
w,h = 1200,630
img ='RGB', (w, h), color='black') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) title = "Creating\nIn-Notebook\nImages\nfor Social Media\nWith PIL/Pillow" author = "Audrey M. Roy Greenfeld\nBluesky" draw.multiline_text((10, 10), title, font=ImageFont.truetype("Helvetica", 100), fill='white') draw.multiline_text((10, 500), author, font=ImageFont.truetype("Helvetica", 42), fill='white') img
I noticed that when I posted this link on Bluesky, the image preview didn't show up:
When I inspect the image element, I see:
<img src="...">
That means my little hack won't work for putting social-media previewable images onto my notebooks.
I'll have to save an image file next time I try this.
I found this old Twitter: Upcoming changes to PNG image support
For images that are low resolution but require maintaining a high quality, the test for PNG images will add the following change: If the image is a PNG that is 900 pixels or smaller in the longest dimension (can fit into 900x900), that PNG will be left as-is.