by Audrey M. Roy Greenfeld | Thu, Jan 23, 2025
My first MonsterUI notebook wasn't rendering correctly. I started to debug it in this notebook, but ended up just using this as a test notebook for the next one.
from fasthtml.common import * from monsterui.all import *
MonsterUI Buttons and Links is the notebook with the problem.
Let's start with a subset of the problem: the H1 text "MonsterUI Buttons and Links" is showing up as normal text.
A("My Blog", href="")
I ended up rewriting the MonsterUI rendering part of from scratch in
Sometimes it's just easier to rewrite than debug.
I'm using this notebook again to troubleshoot MonsterUI as I update my site.
c = Card("This is a plain Card") c
c2 = Card("This is a Card with added Tailwind background styles to make it greeen", cls="bg-green-500 dark:bg-green-400")