by Audrey M. Roy Greenfeld | Sat, Jan 18, 2025
Demo of adding sounds to a FastHTML app with Tone.js. Sounds make web apps come alive and feel interactive.
Here I notebookify and improve alarmsounds.
from fasthtml.common import * from fasthtml.jupyter import * from monsterui.all import *
app, rt = fast_app(hdrs=(Theme.slate.headers(), Script(src="")))
beeping_sounds = ( ("Classic", "Repeating beeps", """const synth = new Tone.Synth().toDestination(); const loopA = new Tone.Loop((time) => { synth.triggerAttackRelease("C5", "16n"); }, "4n").start(0); Tone.getTransport().start();"""), ("Digital Beep", "Modern digital alarm", """ const synth = new Tone.Synth({ oscillator: {type: "square"}, envelope: {attack: 0.001, decay: 0.1, sustain: 1, release: 0.1} }).toDestination(); const loop = new Tone.Loop(time => { synth.triggerAttackRelease("C6", "16n"); }, "0.25").start(0); Tone.Transport.start();"""), ("Pulsing Alarm", "Pulsing alarm with rising intensity", """ const pulseA = new Tone.Synth({ oscillator: {type: "triangle"}, envelope: {attack: 0.01, decay: 0.3, sustain: 0.1, release: 0.1} }).toDestination(); pulseA.volume.value = -12; const pulseB = new Tone.Synth({ oscillator: {type: "square"}, envelope: {attack: 0.01, decay: 0.2, sustain: 0.1, release: 0.1} }).toDestination(); pulseB.volume.value = -20; // Start quiet and get louder const vol = new Tone.Volume(-20).toDestination(); pulseA.connect(vol); pulseB.connect(vol); vol.volume.rampTo(-5, 5); const loop = new Tone.Loop(time => { pulseA.triggerAttackRelease("E5", "16n", time); pulseB.triggerAttackRelease("B5", "16n", time + 0.1); }, "0.3").start(0); Tone.Transport.start();""") )
musical_sounds = ( ("Good Morning", "Bright polyphonic tones", """const synth = new Tone.PolySynth(Tone.Synth).toDestination(); const now =; synth.triggerAttack("D4", now); synth.triggerAttack("F4", now + 0.5); synth.triggerAttack("A4", now + 1); synth.triggerAttack("C5", now + 1.5); synth.triggerAttack("E5", now + 2); synth.triggerRelease(["D4", "F4", "A4", "C5", "E5"], now + 4);"""), ("Metallophone", "Striking metal", """ const bell = new Tone.MetalSynth({ frequency: 150, envelope: { attack: 0.001, decay: 2.0, release: 0.8 }, harmonicity: 12, modulationIndex: 20, resonance: 1000, octaves: 1.2 }).toDestination(); const loop = new Tone.Loop(time => { bell.triggerAttackRelease("32n", time); }, "0.4").start(0); Tone.Transport.start();"""), )
nature_sounds = ( ("Forest Morning", "Birds and rustling leaves", """ // Bird chirps const bird1 = new Tone.FMSynth({ modulationIndex: 10, envelope: {attack: 0.001, decay: 0.1} }).toDestination(); const bird2 = new Tone.FMSynth({ modulationIndex: 8, envelope: {attack: 0.001, decay: 0.08} }).toDestination(); // Leaves rustling (filtered noise) const noise = new Tone.Noise("pink").toDestination(); noise.volume.value = -30; const filter = new Tone.Filter({ frequency: 2000, type: "highpass" }).toDestination(); noise.connect(filter); // Random bird calls const birdLoop = new Tone.Loop(time => { const notes = ["E6", "G6", "A6"]; bird1.triggerAttackRelease(notes[Math.floor(Math.random() * notes.length)], "16n"); if(Math.random() > 0.7) { bird2.triggerAttackRelease("C7", "32n", "+0.1"); } }, "4n").start(); noise.start(); Tone.Transport.start();"""), ("Mountain Stream", "Bubbling water and morning birds", """ // Water sounds const water = new Tone.Noise("white").toDestination(); water.volume.value = -25; const waterFilter = new Tone.Filter({ frequency: 1000, type: "bandpass", Q: 2 }).toDestination(); water.connect(waterFilter); // Occasional bird chirps const bird = new Tone.Synth({ oscillator: {type: "triangle"}, envelope: {attack: 0.001, decay: 0.1, sustain: 0, release: 0.1} }).toDestination(); const birdLoop = new Tone.Loop(time => { if(Math.random() > 0.8) { const note = Math.random() > 0.5 ? "E6" : "G6"; bird.triggerAttackRelease(note, "16n"); bird.triggerAttackRelease(note, "16n", "+0.1"); } }, "2n").start(); water.start(); Tone.Transport.start();""") )
emergency_sounds = ( ("Fire Alarm", "Standard emergency siren", """ const synth = new Tone.Synth({ oscillator: {type: "sawtooth"}, envelope: {attack: 0.01, decay: 0.1, sustain: 1, release: 0.1} }).toDestination(); let pitch = true; const loop = new Tone.Loop(time => { synth.triggerAttackRelease(pitch ? "C5" : "G5", "0.25"); pitch = !pitch; }, "0.25").start(0); Tone.Transport.start();"""), )
def MusicLi(t,hk=''): return Li(A(DivFullySpaced(t,P(hk,cls=TextFont.muted_sm))))
def Album(title,artist,scr): return Div( Div( UkIcon('alarm-clock', height=150, width=150, cls="transition-transform duration-200 hover:scale-105", onmousedown=scr), cls="overflow-hidden rounded-md"), Div(cls='space-y-1')(P(title,cls=TextT.bold),P(artist,cls=TextT.muted)))
Currently the app only has an Alarms tab:
I'm not using these at the moment but may re-add them in later, or I may just remove them:
def Tab(title, desc, sounds): return ( Div(H2(title), cls="mt-6 space-y-1"), P(desc, cls=TextFont.muted_sm), DividerLine(), Grid(*[Album(t,a,s) for t,a,s in sounds], cls='gap-8'))
def BeepingTab(): return Tab("Beeping", "Listen to your favorite beeping alarm clock sounds.", beeping_sounds)
def MusicalTab(): return Tab("Musical", "Alarm sounds that add music to your waking experience.", musical_sounds)
def NatureTab(): return Tab("Nature", "Wake up to nature-inspired sounds.", nature_sounds)
def EmergencyTab(): return Tab("Emergency", "Startle yourself out of bed with emergency-inspired sounds.", emergency_sounds)
@rt('/') def page(): return Container( H1("Alarm Sounds", cls="mb-6"), Div(cls="col-span-4")( Div( DivFullySpaced( Div( TabContainer( Li(A('Beeping', href='#'), cls='uk-active'), Li(A('Musical', href='#'), Li(A('Nature'), href='#'), Li(A('Emergency'), href='#')), uk_switcher='connect: #component-nav; animation: uk-animation-fade', alt=True), cls="max-w-80"), ), Ul( Li(BeepingTab()), Li(MusicalTab()), Li(NatureTab()), Li(EmergencyTab()), id="component-nav", cls="uk-switcher") ) ), cols=5)
server = JupyUvi(app)
# HTMX(page, height=500)