by Audrey M. Roy Greenfeld | Thu, Jan 2, 2025
from fastcore.all import * from fasthtml.common import *
settings_js = """window.audioContext = new AudioContext(); window.gainNode = audioContext.createGain(); window.gainNode.gain.value = 0.5; window.activeOscillators = new Map(); """
A volume slider to change the gainNode's value:
def VolumeInput(v=0.5): return Div( Span("Volume: ",style="vertical-align:middle;"), Input(type="range",min=0,max=1.0,step=0.01,value=v,name="volume", onchange=f";console.log('Volume changed to ',;")) show(VolumeInput())
A dropdown to choose a waveform type:
def WaveformInput(): return Div( Script("function updateWaveform(type) {window.waveformType = type;console.log('Waveform set to', type)}"), Span("Waveform: "), Select( Option("Sine", value="sine"), Option("Square", value="square"), Option("Sawtooth", value="sawtooth"), Option("Triangle", value="triangle"), Option("Custom", value="custom"), onchange="updateWaveform(", name="waveform")) show(WaveformInput())
Note: I defined a JS function in Script
just to see if I can do that and call it in onchange
. But it's simple enough that inline would have been fine.
The SettingsBar
combines both inputs:
def SettingsBar(): return Div( Script(settings_js), VolumeInput(), WaveformInput()) show(SettingsBar())
Let's modify the Key function to add click handling, and create the corresponding JavaScript to start and stop the oscillator when clicking. Here's how:
notes_in_octave = L(['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B']) notes_in_octave
npo = len(notes_in_octave) a4_freq = 440.0 a4i = notes_in_octave.index('A') + (4 * npo)
def freq(note, octave): ni = notes_in_octave.index(note) + (octave * npo) semitones_from_a4 = ni - a4i freq = a4_freq * (2 ** (semitones_from_a4 / npo)) return round(freq, ndigits=1)
key_js = """ function playTone(freq) { const osc = window.audioContext.createOscillator(); osc.type = window.waveformType || 'sine'; osc.frequency.value = freq; osc.connect(window.gainNode); window.gainNode.connect(window.audioContext.destination); osc.start(); window.activeOscillators.set(freq, osc); } function stopTone(freq) { const osc = window.activeOscillators.get(freq); if (osc) { osc.stop(); osc.disconnect(); window.activeOscillators.delete(freq); } }"""
def Key(note, octave): f = freq(note,octave) is_black = '#' in note style = ('cursor:pointer;font:10px "Open Sans","Lucida Grande","Arial",sans-serif;text-align:center;' f'border:1px solid black;border-radius:5px;width:{20 if not is_black else 16}px;' f'height:{80 if not is_black else 50}px;' f'background-color:{" black" if is_black else "white"};color:{" white" if is_black else "black"};' f'box-shadow:2px 2px darkgray;display:inline-block;position:relative;' f'{"top:-30px;" if is_black else ""}' 'user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;') return Div( Script(key_js), Div(Div(f, style=f'font-size:10px;transform:rotate(90deg);position:absolute;left:-6px;{"bottom:24px;" if is_black else "bottom:50px;"}'), note.replace('#','♯'), Sub(octave, style='font-size:10px;pointer-events:none;'), style='position:absolute;bottom:1px;text-align:center;width:100%;pointer-events:none;'), onmouseover=" = '#eef';", onmouseout=f" = '#{'000' if is_black else 'fff'}';", onmousedown=f"playTone({f})", onmouseup=f"stopTone({f})", onmouseleave=f"stopTone({f})", style=style)
def Octave(n): return Div(*,octave=n)), style='display:inline-block;padding:0 6px 0 0;')
def Keyboard(): return Div(*L(range(8)).map(Octave), style="width:auto;padding:0;margin:0;") show(Keyboard())
It's coming together!
Remaining TODOs that I may or may not get to, depending on motivation, time, and interest from others:
Bonus nice-to-haves:
We'll see though, no promises.