Note Box FastTag

I needed a quick note box for the index page of this site, without affecting the CSS of my notebooks that explore weird CSS stuff deeply.
```python from fasthtml.common import * ```
So I whipped out this quick FastTag:
```python def Note(c): return Div(H3("Note"), *c, style="padding:10px;border:1px lightblue solid; border-left:6px lightblue solid;") ```
Then I realized I should write about it, because creating a little FastTag like this doesn't come naturally for most people. In fact it took me probably too long to get into the flow of writing these little functions.
## Showing It in a Notebook
You can show it in a notebook like this:
```python show(Note( P("Hey, I have something small to say in this box. And it's tangential to the main intent of the page, so I've put it into a note box. Now back to whatever we were talking about."))) ```
## `c` Can Be an Iterator
For multiple paragraphs or other elements, just pass in a tuple or other iterator:
```python show(Note(( P("Hey, I have something small to say in this box. It's really, really small, I promise. But as I write in this box that allows me to put anything into it, it's getting a tiny bit bigger. I suppose it's growing quickly like a child as the years go by."), P("And it's tangential to the main intent of the page, so I've put it into a note box. Now back to whatever we were talking about.")))) ```
## Typography and Jupyter Notebook Classic
The note box doesn't show up pixel-perfectly in Jupyter Notebook classic (where I'm working right now) because the CSS styles for notebook typography are changing it:
* I see that nbclassic uses Bootstrap 3's scaffolding.less and normalize.less to change font properties on the `body` and `html` elements. Some are overridden in `div#notebook` in notebook.less. * In my FastHTML site the user agent stylesheet is also changing the styles, so perhaps it's more pixel-perfect in nbclassic than on the site. Hmm. * Looks like [Bootstrap 5.3's reboot]( no longer uses scaffolding.less and now builds upon Normalize. This is quite a rabbit hole so I think I'm going to be okay with my note box looking a little off, and end this exploration for now.
## Reflection
If you need a quick note box or other component and are experimenting in weird ways with CSS so you can't bring in a UI framework easily, making quick little FastTags like this is a "good enough" solution.