Images in Jupyter Notebooks, in Every Way

This notebook uses images in every possible way. Note: images not displayed are due to a bug in my host Railway's caching. That is unrelated to the bug in Jupyter Notebook caching described in this notebook.
```python from fasthtml.common import * from IPython.display import Image from IPython.core.display import HTML ```
## Image from `IPython.display`
This works well, but if the image later changes, it doesn't update:
```python Image(url="", width=300, height=171) ```
```python Image(url="", width=150, height=85) ```
Interestingly this shows the old image from above rather than getting it fresh:
```python %%html <img src="" width="150" height="85" /> ```
## HTML Image Cache Busting
Let's try busting its image cache:
```python %%html <img src="" width="150" height="85" /> ```
That updated it!
This still shows the old version:
```python %%html <img src="" width="150" height="85" /> ```
## Markdown Image Embedded in Notebook
Create a cell, convert it to Markdown, and drag the image in. It creates a Markdown image with the image as an attachment.
The Markdown for the cell above looks like: `![2024-12-30-Images-in-Jupyter-Notebooks-150x85.webp](attachment:2024-12-30-Images-in-Jupyter-Notebooks-150x85.webp)`
## Markdown Image From Local Dir in Repo
Here I use Markdown to show an image from the img directory of this repo, like this: `![My test image for use in Jupyter Notebooks](../img/2024-12-30-Images-in-Jupyter-Notebooks-150x85.webp)`
![My test image for use in Jupyter Notebooks](../img/2024-12-30-Images-in-Jupyter-Notebooks-150x85.webp)
## No Markdown Remote URL to Image
Markdown with a remote image URL doesn't seem to work. Maybe I'm doing it wrong: `![title]("")`
## FastHTML Image
Here I use the `Img` FastTag from FastHTML:
```python i = Img(src="") i ```
I call `show` to display a FastTag in a notebook:
```python show(i) ```
## Learn More
If you're as fascinated by this as I am, read [StackOverflow: How to embed image or picture in jupyter notebook, either from a local machine or from a web resource?](