How I Fixed CSS Scope Leakage in Pygments Syntax Highlighting

This notebook shows how to: * Get and use Pygments styles programmatically * Extract and display the source code from Python functions * Apply different Pygments syntax highlighting to different cells of the same notebook with proper CSS scoping * Use Pygments-highlighted code in a FastHTML FastTag
```python from execnb.nbio import * from fastcore.all import * from fasthtml.common import * from inspect import getsource from IPython.display import display, HTML import pygments from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter ```
## Pygments Styles
I was getting all Pygments styles the hard way in [my previous notebooks]( There's a method for getting the highlight style names via Python:
```python styles = L(pygments.styles.get_all_styles()) print(styles) ```
## Inspect and `getsource`
Let's grab a function to highlight. How about `read_nb` from execnb:
```python rn = getsource(read_nb) rn ```
We have to print it to see it nicely:
```python print(rn) ```
## Pygments `highlight`
As in previous posts, we call `highlight` to highlight a Python code block like this:
```python h = highlight(rn, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter(style='tango')) h ```
Then to display that in a notebook:
```python HTML(h) ```
## Highlighting Code In-Notebook
Putting `highlight` and `HTML` into a function together, building up from above:
```python def show(c): return HTML(highlight(c, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter(style='tango'))) ```
```python show(rn) ```
## Function Getting Its Own Source
To get some source code to highlight without having to read a notebook:
```python def get_myself(): return getsource(get_myself) ```
```python get_myself() ```
## Function Highlighting Itself
Putting together `highlight`, `HTML`, and `getsource`:
```python def show(c=None): if not c: c = getsource(show) return HTML(highlight(c, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter(style='tango'))) ```
```python show() ```
## Adding a `style` Arg
I wanted to show my code with a particular Pygments style:
```python def show(c=None, style='tango'): if not c: c = getsource(show) return HTML(highlight(c, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter(style=style))) ```
```python show(style='zenburn') ```
Something's not right here. That showed no colors.
## Understanding Pygments Style Defs
In Pygments, style defs are CSS style definitions:
```python sd = HtmlFormatter(style='zenburn').get_style_defs() sd[:200] ```
```python s = L(sd.splitlines()) s ```
```python s[0] ```
```python s[6] ```
```python s[10] ```
## Looking at Hex Colors With FastTags
In style `zenburn`, comments are colored in `#7f9f7f`. Let's see what this looks like with a `Div` FastTag:
```python cdiv = Div('#7f9f7f', style="background-color:#7f9f7f;") cdiv ```
```python HTML(to_xml(cdiv)) ```
```python def show_color(c): return HTML(to_xml(Div(c, style=f"background-color:{c};"))) ```
Keywords in `zenburn` are colored with `#efdcbc`:
```python show_color("#efdcbc") ```
## Pygments Styles in FastHTML FastTags
Putting `zenburn` comment and keyword styles in a `Style` FastTag:
```python Style(s[6], s[10]) ```
## Pygments Highlighting in FastTags
Recall Pygments `highlight` from earlier generates a `div` containing `pre` full of `span` tags:
```python h = highlight(rn, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter(style='tango')) print(h) ```
This is a nice string of HTML to use with FastTags. I use `NotStr` to make it work well with a `Div` FastTag:
```python Div(NotStr(h), id="container") ```
Adding style:
```python styled_container = Div(Style(s[6], s[10]), NotStr(h), id="container") styled_container ```
To display it in-notebook here:
```python HTML(to_xml(styled_container)) ```
## Pygments Background Color
The Pygments [`get_style_defs` docs]( say you can specify a CSS selector to prefix styles with:
```python sd = HtmlFormatter(style='zenburn').get_style_defs('.highlight') sd[:500] ```
I see all the zenburn style defs with background colors are early on:
```python Style(sd[:600]) ```
```python show_color("#484848") ```
```python show_color("#353535") ```
```python styled_container = Div(Style(sd), NotStr(h), id="container") HTML(to_xml(styled_container)) ```
## Combining Everything Into `show`
Let's combine everything we've learned into a function:
```python def show(c=None, style='monokai'): if not c: c = getsource(show) fm = HtmlFormatter(style=style) h = highlight(c, PythonLexer(), fm) sd = fm.get_style_defs('.highlight') styled_container = Div(Style(sd), NotStr(h), id="container") return HTML(to_xml(styled_container)) ```
```python show(style='monokai') ```
```python show(style='lightbulb') ```
## Fixing CSS Scope Leakage
Let's see if we can customize the `highlight` class
```python fm = HtmlFormatter(style='monokai') h = highlight("print('Hi')", PythonLexer(), fm) h ```
```python def show(c=None, style='monokai'): if not c: c = getsource(show) fm = HtmlFormatter(style=style) h = highlight(c, PythonLexer(), fm) sd = fm.get_style_defs(f'#{style}') styled_container = Div(Style(sd), NotStr(h), id=style) return HTML(to_xml(styled_container)) ```
```python show(style='monokai') ```
```python show(style='lightbulb') ```
The above 2 appeared to work correctly, but this didn't, so something's wrong:
```python show(style='paraiso-light') ```
```python print(HtmlFormatter(style='paraiso-light').get_style_defs('#paraiso-light')[:1000]) ```
The background color is supposed to be:
```python show_color("#a39e9b") ```
I think `get_style_defs('#paraiso-light')` where that ID is on the parent div is too hacky here. I feel like `<div class="highlight">` itself should get the ID.
```python print(HtmlFormatter(style='paraiso-light').get_background_style_defs('#paraiso-light')[:1000]) ```
```python c = 'print("Hi")' fm = HtmlFormatter(style='paraiso-light', cssclass='audrey') h = highlight(c, PythonLexer(), fm) h ```
```python def show(c=None, style='monokai'): if not c: c = getsource(show) fm = HtmlFormatter(style=style, cssclass=style) h = highlight(c, PythonLexer(), fm) sd = fm.get_style_defs(f".{style}") styled_container = Div(Style(sd), NotStr(h), id=style) return HTML(to_xml(styled_container)) ```
```python show(style='paraiso-light') ```
```python show(c="print('Hey')", style="dracula") ```
```python show(style="dracula") ```
```python show(style="gruvbox-dark") ```
```python show(style="solarized-dark") ```
Success! The cells above are syntax-highlighted without their CSS interfering with each other.
## Summary
I've created a function for displaying Pygments syntax-highlighted code in Jupyter notebooks with properly-scoped CSS. To do this, I discovered I could: 1. Use Pygments' `HtmlFormatter`'s `cssclass` parameter to change the name of the outer `highlight` div to the Pygments style name. 2. Use `get_style_defs` to scope style definitions to that name, to prevent CSS conflicts 3. Combine it into a tiny `show` function for use in future notebooks
```python def show(c=None, style='monokai'): if not c: c = getsource(show) fm = HtmlFormatter(style=style, cssclass=style) h = highlight(c, PythonLexer(), fm) sd = fm.get_style_defs(f".{style}") styled_container = Div(Style(sd), NotStr(h), id=style) return HTML(to_xml(styled_container)) ```
You can use this to show code blocks in Jupyter notebooks, allowing different Pygments syntax highlighting themes in the same notebook. All without CSS leaking between Pygments styles.