Converting Jupyter Notebook Cells to Pygments Syntax-Highlighted HTML

## Understand the Problem Can a Jupyter notebook be converted to syntax-highlighted HTML easily with Pygments? Side note: Highlight.js is what Danny and Isaac use for syntax highlighting in FastHTML apps. I'll try that in another notebook later. I started this on a plane where I only had Pygments installed.
## Devise a Plan * Get the code cells of a sample notebook * Convert one to syntax-highlighted HTML * View it * Convert all to syntax-highlighted HTML
## Carry Out Plan
```python from execnb.nbio import * from fastcore.all import * from fasthtml.common import * from fasthtml.jupyter import * from IPython.display import HTML, Markdown from mistletoe import markdown, HTMLRenderer from mistletoe.contrib.pygments_renderer import PygmentsRenderer from nb2fasthtml.core import * from pathlib import Path import pygments from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter from random import choice ```
```python nb = read_nb(Path("../nbs/2024-12-24-deck-the-halls.ipynb")) nb.metadata ```
```python nb.cells ```
```python sources = L(nb.cells).itemgot('source') sources ```
```python ```
```python code_cells = L(nb.cells).filter(lambda x: x.cell_type == 'code') code_cells[:4] ```
```python code_cells[2] ```
## Code Highlighting With Pygments
```python fm = HtmlFormatter(style='colorful') pl = PythonLexer() ```
```python highlight("print('Hi')", lexer=pl, formatter=fm) ```
```python highlight(code_cells[2].source, lexer=pl, formatter=fm) ```
```python HTML(highlight(code_cells[2].source, lexer=pl, formatter=fm)) ```
The previous cell should show colors but doesn't. Not sure how to show them here in this notebook.
```python def colorize(c): return highlight(c.source, lexer=pl, formatter=fm) ```
```python colorized = colorized[:2] ```
```python def colorized_cells(cells): return ```
## Formatter Styles
```python L(pygments.styles.STYLES.items()) ```
```python L(pygments.styles.STYLES.items()).itemgot(1) ```
```python styles = L(pygments.styles.STYLES.items()).itemgot(1).itemgot(1) styles ```
```python %%aip Get a random style from that list ```
```python style = choice(styles) style ```
## CSS Styles
```python fm = HtmlFormatter(style='stata-dark') ```
```python fm.get_style_defs()[:100] ```
## FastHTML app
```python app,rt = fast_app() ```
```python server = JupyUvi(app) ```
```python @rt def index(): nb = read_nb(Path("../nbs/2024-12-24-deck-the-halls.ipynb")) code_cells = L(nb.cells).filter(lambda x: x.cell_type == 'code') style = choice(styles) fm = HtmlFormatter(style=style) return ( H1(f"Random style: {style}"), P("This page gets a random ", A("Pygments", href=""), " HtmlFormatter style and applies it to ", A("my Deck the Halls Jupyter notebook", href="")), Style(fm.get_style_defs()), Style(".highlight{border:1px solid gray;margin:10px;}"), Div(*colorized_cells(code_cells)) ) ```
## Stopping the Server
```python if 'server' in globals(): server.stop() ```